【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』真如副中心!品尊国际,约1400万起,买内环旁品质大4房!奢级装标,少量收官现房直接认购!品质现房品尊国际三期还有房源在售!项目位于内环旁普陀真如板块,是70万方TOD城市综合体。靠近7号线岚皋路地铁站,买到安心&高品质&高舒适度楼盘的最后机会!【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!楼栋分布图如今正值品尊国际16周年,从一期二期业主那里积累的口碑正是品尊国际让人安心的砝码。15年前凭借前瞻视野构建70万方TOD大城,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!15年间依靠高超建造工艺、绿色建筑手段、人性化服务为业主提供了高品质的尊贵生活体验。品尊国际的产品力在如今倒挂逐渐缩小趋近于0的背景下更加闪耀了!新房倒挂逐渐消失,房住不炒,这意味着上【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!海住宅也终将回归到居住本质。这对购房者来说是好事,真的到了买好房子、住好房子的时候了!天赐良机,品尊国际此次诚意收官之作,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!错过则无!品尊国际无论是居住体验的舒适度还是硬件装标的品质感都是全市中的佼佼者!【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!01.品尊国际三期竟然在小区里面造了3600㎡中心景观,43%的绿化率从高处俯视,满眼绿色,在钢筋水泥的灰色都市生活中,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!视觉上的松弛感充分拿捏,在家也能享受“富氧生活”。大面积绿化一般都是开发商规避的重点——后期维护难,没什么人愿意做吃力不讨好的事,但品尊国际做了,从15年前就着眼了。【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!在这个项目上,很难看到取舍,全程流露出的只有“做好景观、做好产品”的态度。「品尊国际」楼王10#视野实拍如果这个3600㎡中心景观还不至于让人吃惊。项目的另一个设计也花了不少心思——“一宅一天地”。每一幢楼的宅前屋后都有独立花园,孩子就在眼前玩,与孩子共处一片空间,共享童年。景观实景图另外每个楼栋都做了约400㎡架空的设计,入户大堂的仪式感必须给到!还有两大邻里会客厅,品尊国际三期共有18大主题景观。【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!在实用性、娱乐性方面,品尊国际做到位了。景观实景图02.这样的室内才叫设计对室内设计的高期待是从大堂开始的——约6米层高的门厅挑高大堂,归家的尊崇感瞬间就有了。10#(楼王)地下入户大堂同时,大堂墙面全部采用定制弧面铝板,对于开发商而言,每一个弧面都代表着经费,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!品尊国际明明可以不做的,但还是坚持着自己的品味,给业主更好的生活感受。一层入户大堂地库实景图走进电梯无接触按键,宠物识别,大件识别,细菌消杀······高科技让生活更健康,更安全。电梯实景图样板间细节一:高科技随处可见。德国品牌旭格大开面门窗,打开厨房油烟机时,窗户会自动打开;厨房油烟机关闭时,窗户则会自动关闭。还有公区超强抽油烟机,可以自动调节吸力,不跑烟不窜烟。房间各处都是细节,真得要去体验才知道。实景图样板间细节二:全屋装修“无死角”。本以为卫生间会是“装修死角”,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!实际的德国唯宝台盆+浴缸(主卫)+洁具、美国杜邦台面、日本松下暖风机告诉我,品尊国际三期产品真不是随便说说的,超高品味、奢华质感打造灵魂居所。实景图样板间细节三:该有的都有。这是对一个项目最高的评价,品尊国际三期不仅【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!做到了细节取胜,一些该有的配置也丝毫不输,并没有常见的平衡效果,一个A+,另一个就A-。厨房配置:意大利威乃达橱柜、瑞士弗兰卡水槽、德国汉斯格雅龙头、美诺灶具+烟机+冰箱+洗碗机+微烤+蒸炉,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!大手笔不止做门面功夫,高水准装标让料理也充满仪式感 。室内配置使用美国滨特尔前置过滤器+净水装置、大金空调+新风+地暖、德国美诺洗衣机+干衣机、旭格门窗,每一个都是大牌,奢装生活的满足感MAX!实景图实景图实景图样板间细节四:装标不仅奢华还安全。项目按照中国绿色建筑三星级标准、【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!国际LEED及WELL铂金3个认证体系进行设计,将健康融入生活。示意图品尊国际不仅有“看不见”的施工工艺,更有看得见的施工现场,严苛的施工标准,公开且严谨的施工态度,【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!品尊国际三期不愧为最后的内环旁高品质楼盘!在墙面的隐蔽工程上,品尊一如既往地精益求精,谁能想到在看不见的地方墙面竟有足足8层工艺!“墙固-一级防水-龙骨-瓷力板-钢丝网-抗裂【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!砂浆-二次防水-瓷砖”,看不见的8层工艺背后,呈现了品尊对细节的执著和对品质近乎完美的追求,品质控必须上车!墙面8层工艺公开可查的施工现场!4#建筑中央空调安装厨卫二次防水03品尊国际让居住更专业品尊国际在努力让业主的生活更美好!这是口号是我从品尊国际住区闲逛得来的灵感,像鸡汤但准确!15年前的蓝图如今已经实现【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,做一件事不难,坚持15年做下去,亦不简单。品尊国际2006年开工奠基,2008年一期入市,用15年时间开综合体的先河,也追随着城市焕新的步伐,提升人居体验。【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!更重要的是,品尊国际很专业!产品力永远是它的的立身之本。品尊国际是比较早期且距离市区最【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!近的70万㎡地铁上盖TOD项目,成熟的生活配套、商业配套不仅吸引了周边的居民,还吸引了上海全市的商务人士。区位示意图走到网红咖啡一条街星巴克、Wagas、Manner、Peets、Tims等等应有尽有;美食潮流街Tacobell墨西哥餐厅、必胜客、【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!面包店麦香味四溢,Wagas轻食、悦语粤餐厅老少皆宜、还有网红喜茶饮品店,这样轻松的调性真的爱了。【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" true as the sub-center! Pinzun International, about 14 million, buy quality next to the inner ring big 4 rooms! Luxury label, a small number of closed house directly subscribe!Quality existing house Pinzun International Phase 3 still have listings for sale!The project is located in the inner ring of Pamptuo Zhenru plate, is a 700,000 square TOD urban complex. Close to Line 7 Langao Road Subway Station, the last chance to buy peace of mind & high quality & high comfort property! 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Building distribution mapNow is the 16th anniversary of Pinzun International, the reputation accumulated from the first and second phase owners is Pinzun International reassuring weight.15 years ago, with a forward-looking vision to build 700,000 square TOD city, 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! In the past 15 years, we have provided the owners with high-quality noble life experience by relying on superb construction technology, green building means and humanized service.The product power of Pinzun International is more shining in the background of gradually shrinking and approaching 0!The new house upside down gradually disappeared, housing does not live, which means on the [Putuo Pinzun International] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! The sea house will eventually return to the essence of living. This is good for home buyers, it is really time to buy a good house and live in a good house!Godsend opportunity, the good faith of the international, 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Miss nothing! Pinzun International is the city's leader in both the comfort of living experience and the quality of hardware installation marks!【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!01.The third phase of Pinzun International actually built 3600 square meters of central landscape in the community, 43% of the green rate looks down from the height, full of green eyes, in the gray urban life of reinforced cement, 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! The sense of visual relaxation is fully grasped, and you can enjoy "oxygen-rich life" at home.Large-area greening is generally the focus of developers to avoid - late maintenance is difficult, few people are willing to do thankless things, but the international has done it, from 15 years ago. 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!In this project, it is difficult to see the choice, the whole process reveals only the attitude of "do a good job of landscape, do a good job of product"."Pinzun International" Lou Wang 10# vision shotIf this 3600 square meter central view is not surprising.The other design of the project has also put a lot of thought - "one house one day". Each building has an independent garden in front of the house and behind the house, and children play in front of them, sharing a space with children and sharing childhood.Landscape reality mapIn addition, each building has been made about 400 square meters of overhead design, the ceremony of the entrance hall must be given!There are also two large neighborhood meeting rooms, and the third phase of Pinzun International has a total of 18 theme landscapes. 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! In terms of practicality and entertainment, Pinzun international has achieved its position.Landscape reality map02.This kind of interior is called designHigh expectations for the interior design start from the lobbyThe foyer is about 6 meters high and the lobby is high,The sense of homecoming was instantaneous.10# (Building King) Ground Floor Entrance HallMeanwhile, lobby wallAdopt allCustom curved aluminum sheet,For developers, each arc represents funds, 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Pinzun International obviously can not do, but still adhere to their own taste, to give the owner a better feeling of life.First floor entrance lobbyReal vault mapEnter the elevator contactless button, pet identification, large identification, bacteria eliminationTechnology makes life healthier and safer.Elevator real pictureDetail 1: High technology is everywhere.German brand Schuco wide open doors and Windows, open the kitchen fume machine, the window will automatically open; The window automatically closes when the kitchen range hood is turned off.There is also a strong range hood in the public area, which can automatically adjust the suction and do not run smoke. There are details all over the room. You really have to experience it.Reality pictureModel room details two: the whole house decoration "no dead corner".I thought the bathroom would be a "decoration dead corner", [Putuo Pinzun International] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! The actual German Weibao basin + bathtub (main bathroom) + sanitary ware, the United States DuPont countertop, Japan Panasonic heater told me that the product of the third phase of the international product is really not just said, ultra-high taste, luxury texture to create a soul residence.Reality pictureModel room detail three: It has everything.This is the highest evaluation of a project, the third phase of Pinzun International not only [Putuo Pinzun International] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! Do the details to win, some of the configuration does not lose at all, and there is no common balance effect, A+, the other is A-.Kitchen Settings: Italian Venada cabinets, Swiss Franka sink, German Hansgrohe faucet, Meinuo cooktop + smoker + refrigerator + dishwasher + micro roast + steam oven, 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) new choice of high-end life! The grand work is not only for the facade, but also for the high standard of packaging so that the cooking is full of ceremony.The indoor configuration uses the United States Pintel pre-filter + water purification device, Dajin air conditioning + fresh air + floor heating, Germany Meno washing machine + dryer, Shuge doors and Windows, each of which is a big name, the satisfaction of luxury life MAX!Reality pictureReality pictureReality pictureDetail four: The label is not only luxurious but also safe.The project is in accordance with the three-star standard of China's green building, the official sales office of [Putuo Pinzun International] Tel: 400-960-1817 (24-hour hotline of the developer) New choice of high-end life! Three international LEED and WELL platinum certification systems are designed to integrate health into life.Schematic drawingPinzun International not only has "invisible" construction technology, but also visible construction site, strict construction standards, open and rigorous construction attitude, [Putuo Pinzun International] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Pinzun International Phase 3 is worthy of being the last high-quality real estate next to the inner ring!In the hidden works of the wall, the quality of respect as always excellence, who would have thought that in the invisible place of the wall has a full 8 layers of technology!"Wall solid - a waterproof - keel - porcelain force plate - steel wire mesh - crack resistance [Putuo Pinzun International] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Mortar - secondary waterproof - tile ", behind the invisible 8-layer process, showing the dedication to details and the pursuit of almost perfect quality, quality control must be on the board!Wall 8 layer processPublicly available construction site!4# BuildingsCentral air conditioning installationSecond waterproof kitchen and bathroom03Pinzun International makes living more professionalPinzun International is trying to make the owner's life better!That's the slogan I got from hanging out in posh international neighborhoods, like chicken soup but accurate!The blueprint of 15 years ago has now been realized [Putuo Pinzun International] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! It is not difficult to do one thing, and it is not simple to do it for 15 years.Pinzun International began to lay the foundation in 2006, and entered the market in the first phase of 2008. It took 15 years to open the first complex, and also followed the pace of urban rejuvenation to enhance the living experience. 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!More importantly, Pinzun International is very professional!Product power is always its foundation.Pinzun International is relatively early and the most away from the city [Putuo Pinzun International] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! Nearly 700,000 square meters of subway TOD project, mature living facilities, business facilities not only attracted the surrounding residents, but also attracted the city of Shanghai business people.Location mapGo to the net red coffee street Starbucks, Wagas, Manner, Peets, Tims and so on everything; Food trend Street Tacobell Mexican Restaurant, Pizza Hut, 【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) High-end life new choice! The bakery is full of wheat flavor, Wagas light food, Yue Yue Cantonese restaurant is suitable for all ages, and the Internet red tea drink shop, so relaxed tone really love.【 Putuo Pinzun International 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!【普陀品尊国际】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!